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GitCDN is a free open source CDN designed specifically to host Git repositories and serve Git objects over HTTP/HTTPS. It allows for faster cloning and fetching of Git repositories by caching objects on a globally distributed network of servers.

What is GitCDN?

GitCDN is an open source content delivery network that is purpose-built to host Git repositories and serve Git objects quickly over HTTP/HTTPS. It works by caching Git objects like commits, trees, blobs on edge servers around the world so that when users clone or fetch repositories hosted on GitCDN, the requests are served from the edge location that provides the lowest latency.

Some key benefits of using GitCDN include:

  • Faster clone and fetch times for globally distributed teams - GitCDN minimizes the time needed to clone and fetch large repositories by serving the requests from edge locations closer to the user.
  • Lower hosting costs - GitCDN is free to use and open source, providing a cost effective way to host Git repositories.
  • Better availability and reliability - GitCDN's globally distributed edge network provides built-in redundancy and failover, reducing hosting downtime.
  • Scales automatically with demand - The GitCDN network automatically scales up and down to meet traffic demands without any additional configuration.
  • Optimized for Git - GitCDN is designed specifically for Git traffic, with optimizations in place to accelerate Git network operations.

Overall, GitCDN makes it faster and cheaper to host Git repositories, either as a complete replacement or a supplement to existing Git hosting providers. It's a good option for open source projects, companies with distributed teams, or cost-conscious development teams looking to speed up their Git workflows.

The Best GitCDN Alternatives

Top Apps like GitCDN

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Statically is a user-friendly static site generator that makes it easy to build extremely fast, secure websites. Some key features of Statically include:Intuitive visual editor for drag and drop buildingGlobal CDN for fast load timesOne-click deploymentFully customizable themesSEO optimizations out of the boxBuilt-in forms, search, commentsGitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket integration...


RawGit is a free web service that serves raw files directly from GitHub with proper Content-Type headers. It acts as a content delivery network (CDN) for GitHub, allowing developers to easily link to JavaScript, CSS, and images from any GitHub repository.Some key features and benefits of RawGit include:Acts... is a simple web service that enables direct access to the raw content of files within GitHub repositories. It functions by constructing URLs using the GitHub raw content URL structure combined with the domain, which serves the content while overriding same-origin policy within browsers.This... is a free hosting service optimized for serving raw source code files across GitHub repositories through CDNs. It acts as a centralized content delivery network for fast, easily scalable access to files from sites like GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab without needing to clone entire repositories.RawGit retrieves common...


Combinatronics is an AI-powered creativity software that leverages combinatorial theory and algorithms to spark innovation. At its core, Combinatronics helps users generate novel ideas and connections between disparate concepts by combining words, phrases, and images in unexpected ways.The software pulls from a vast database of words, concepts, and images...