23 Video: Video Hosting & Community Platform
Video hosting platform and online community for sharing film and video content, with features like user upload, view, and share original videos, and connecting with other creators.
What is 23 Video?
23 Video is an online video hosting platform and community launched in 2022. It allows users to upload, view, share, and engage with original video content across a variety of categories and topics.
Key features of 23 Video include:
- Video uploading and sharing - Users can easily upload their own original videos in various formats up to 4K quality. Videos can be made public or private.
- Customizable video channels - Creators can organize their videos into channels with customizable backgrounds and layouts.
- Community features - Tools are provided to connect with other creators and fans through comments, likes, playlists, and more.
- Monetization - Qualifying creators can monetize videos via the Partner Program with advertising revenue shares.
- Live streaming - Users can live stream events and interactions to engage audiences in real-time.
- Desktop and mobile apps - Uploading, viewing, and managing videos/channels can be done via iOS and Android mobile apps or the 23 Video website.
The platform is designed to make video sharing accessible and rewarding for both new and experienced creators. The community aspect also allows video fans to discover new content and directly support the creators they enjoy.