7chan is an imageboard website inspired by Futaba Channel, allowing anonymous posting and focused on Japanese anime culture and Eastern media with less strict moderation compared to sites like 4chan.
7chan is an imageboard and discussion forum that was launched in October 2009. It was inspired by the early versions of Futaba Channel, one of the first and largest modern imageboard communities.
Like Futaba Channel and similar sites, 7chan allows users to post images and comments anonymously without registration. This format encourages candid conversations and sharing of visual media, though it can also enable harassment if not properly moderated.
7chan was created as an alternative to 4chan and focuses more on Japanese anime, manga, and related interests. The site owner intended to promote Eastern media that was often overlooked on 4chan's very fast-paced boards.
The site has less strict moderation compared to 4chan and certain controversial topics are prohibited to help curb harassment. However, the anonymous nature still enables some abusive behavior.
7chan gains much less internet traffic than predecessors like 4chan, but still maintains an active userbase. People looking for alternative imageboards with less transient conversations tend to gravitate towards sites like 7chan.