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Analog CE

Analog CE is an open-source log analysis and event correlation tool used for IT security monitoring. It processes log data in real-time to detect anomalies, generate alerts, and produce reports.

What is Analog CE?

Analog CE (Community Edition) is an open-source version of the Analog log analysis and event correlation engine. It is designed to facilitate IT security monitoring by processing log data from various sources in real-time.

Key features of Analog CE include:

  • Real-time processing of log data to detect security threats, policy violations, and other issues
  • Correlation of events across multiple data sources to identify patterns and generate alerts
  • Customizable rulesets and reporting for security monitoring, compliance, and more
  • Web-based interface for managing events, alerts, reports, and configurations
  • Agentless log collection using Syslog or files for streamlined deployment
  • Pluggable architecture supports input from virtually any log source
  • Scalable to handle high event throughput in large environments

Analog CE provides organizations with an affordable, flexible, and extensible platform for centralizing and deriving value from log and security event data. Its core competencies around real-time monitoring, anomaly detection, and correlation make it well-suited for security analytics and intelligence use cases.

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