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Angelfish Software

Angelfish Software is a user-friendly web browser aimed at novice computer users. It provides an intuitive interface, built-in help features, and enhanced security against online threats.

What is Angelfish Software?

Angelfish Software is a free, open-source web browser designed specifically for new and inexperienced computer users. Its streamlined interface features large icons and menus in plain language to make internet browsing simple and straightforward.

While modeled after mainstream browsers, Angelfish sets itself apart through extensive customization options, guidance, and tools geared towards tech novices. The browser opens to a homepage with tutorials introducing basic internet concepts and walkthroughs of common online tasks. An integrated help menu offers assistance on actions like bookmarking pages, adjusting settings, and troubleshooting problems.

Easy-to-understand terminology, descriptions, and illustrations guide users at every step. Safety features like warning prompts before visiting potentially suspicious sites and one-click reporting of inappropriate content provide enhanced protection as well. Customizable parental controls allow filtering of content for children.

Angelfish also automatically blocks ads, pop-ups, and malware threats in the background. Its streamlined interface omits advanced developer tools and other features that could overwhelm inexperienced users. Lean programming optimized for older computers helps extend the usable lifespan for aging machines.

With its focus on usability, guidance, and safety for internet beginners, Angelfish Software aims to make the web accessible and welcoming to new users who find typical browsers complex and confusing.

The Best Angelfish Software Alternatives

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Urchin is an open-source web analytics application that allows website owners to track and report on traffic to their sites. It was originally developed by Urchin Software Corporation before being acquired by Google in 2005.Some key features of Urchin include:Tracking pageviews, visits, referrers, keywords and moreAdvanced segmentation and custom...

CardioLog Analytics

CardioLog Analytics is a cloud-based data analytics platform designed specifically for cardiac device data. It ingests data from various sources like device programmers, EMRs, and remote monitoring systems, and provides analytics and visualizations to unlock insights from the data.Some key features of CardioLog Analytics include:Customizable dashboards and reports...