A 3D cartoon series based on Angry Birds, featuring Red, Chuck, Bomb, and friends competing in races and battles using their vehicles and powers to defeat the Piggies.
Angry Birds Go! is a computer animated television series based on the video game series of the same name. It is produced by Rovio Entertainment and first aired in December 2013. The series follows Red, Chuck, Bomb and the other iconic Angry Birds characters on Piggy Island, where they compete with the Bad Piggies in wild kart races and battles. There is a large cast of characters with unique personalities, abilities and customized vehicles.
In each high-octane episode, the Eggspark race track hosts a new competition between birds and pigs. Whether it's Skydive Survival where they jump onto targets from planes or Getaway Golf where they play mini golf while running from a huge boulder, there are endless hijinks and hilarity. The show incorporates the Angry Birds slingshot gameplay as Red, Chuck and Bomb use their signature abilities to fight pigs, save eggs and cause plenty of mayhem.
With bright, engaging animation and humor appealing to both children and adults, Angry Birds Go! expands the extremely successful Angry Birds brand to television. The wacky characters and non-stop adventures provide both comedy and action, introducing new characters and stories to fans of the video game worldwide.
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