Discover over 900 anime series and movies on AnimeLab, a free streaming service based in Australia and New Zealand with optional paid subscription, available on multiple devices through user-friendly apps.
AnimeLab is an anime-focused online video streaming platform operated by Madman Entertainment. It launched in 2013 as a free ad-supported service for viewers in Australia and New Zealand to legally stream anime series and movies.
AnimeLab has since expanded its content library to over 900 anime titles that can be streamed across a website, iOS and Android apps, and other smart devices. The service offers both free ad-supported streaming as well as a paid AnimeLab Pro subscription for HD streaming without ads.
Some key features of AnimeLab include:
Overall, AnimeLab makes watching legal anime convenient and accessible for fans in Australia and New Zealand. With its expanding content catalog, multi-device support, respect for availability windows, and flexible monetization it's a leading anime streaming platform in Oceania.