Apple Newsstand icon

Apple Newsstand

Apple Newsstand is a built-in app on iOS devices that provides access to newspaper and magazine subscriptions. It allows users to purchase subscriptions from various publishers and access the content in one centralized app.

What is Apple Newsstand?

Apple Newsstand is a built-in application on iOS devices that provides users with access to their newspaper and magazine subscriptions in one centralized place. It was launched in 2011 along with iOS 5 as a way for publishers to sell subscriptions and deliver content through native iOS apps.

When a user purchases a subscription via Newsstand, the app from that publisher is automatically downloaded onto their device. The app then appears on the user's Newsstand shelf along with any other subscribed publications. Tapping on a publication opens up its app and content.

Some key features of Apple Newsstand include:

  • Background downloads - New issues are automatically downloaded in the background so content is ready when the user wants it.
  • New issue notifications - A notification appears on the lock screen when a new issue becomes available.
  • Simplified purchases - Subscriptions can be purchased directly within the publication's app rather than requiring the user to enter billing details each time.
  • Visual shelf display - Mimics the look of a physical newsstand, with magazine and newspaper covers lined up on shelves.

For publishers, Apple Newsstand offers integrated access to iOS features like background downloading and push notifications to provide a streamlined experience delivering content to customers. Readers benefit from an centralized place to access all their digital issues and subscriptions.

The Best Apple Newsstand Alternatives

Top Apps like Apple Newsstand

Apple News, Flipboard, Google News, Issuu, The Economist, Drudge Report, The New York Times, HuffPost, Magzter, Newsela, Elfinite are some alternatives to Apple Newsstand.

Apple News

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Flipboard is a popular news aggregation and content curation mobile and web application launched in 2010. It allows users to customize their feeds by selecting topics, sources, and social media accounts they are interested in following.When a user signs up, Flipboard asks them questions about their interests and preferences. Based...

Google News

Google News is a news aggregation service developed and maintained by Google. It presents a continuous, customizable flow of articles organized from thousands of publishers and magazines.Key features of Google News include:Aggregates headlines and articles from news sources worldwideAllows users to customize news feeds based on topics, sources...


Issuu is an online digital publishing and document sharing platform that allows users to upload, publish, and share PDFs, images, presentations, and other types of documents as online publications. It acts as an alternative to traditional print media by offering an easy conversion of print assets to digital format with...

The Economist

The Economist is an internationally recognized weekly news and business publication based in London. First published in 1843, it has established itself as one of the most authoritative and informative outlets covering world affairs, politics, business, finance, science and technology.The magazine is easily recognizable by its minimalist front cover design...

Drudge Report

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The New York Times

The New York Times (NYT) is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious and influential newspapers in the world. First published in 1851, the NYT provides extensive coverage of national and international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, sports, arts and more.The NYT has won 130 Pulitzer Prizes, more than...


HuffPost (formerly The Huffington Post until 2017) is a liberal American online news aggregator and blog that has both localized and international editions. It was founded in 2005 by Arianna Huffington, Andrew Breitbart, Kenneth Lerer, and Jonah Peretti.HuffPost offers news, satire, opinion, aggregation, and a variety of content including politics, business...


Magzter is a popular digital newsstand application and service for reading magazines on mobile devices and the web. It provides access to over 5,000 magazines from around the world covering a wide variety of interests and topics.Some key features of Magzter include:Apps for iOS and Android to read magazines...


Newsela is an education technology company founded in 2013 that provides students and teachers with access to high-interest news articles rewritten at five different reading levels. This allows teachers to find news content that matches their students' individual reading abilities.The Newsela platform takes authentic content from trusted media sources and...


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