An adventure game developed by Revolution Software, sequel to Beneath a Steel Sky, set in the dystopian Union City where you explore and uncover mysteries about Robert Foster's past.
Beyond a Steel Sky is an adventure game developed by Revolution Software and published in 2020. It is a sequel to the studio's classic 1994 game Beneath a Steel Sky.
The player controls Robert Foster, the protagonist from the original game, as he returns to Union City, now a vast cyberpunk metropolis. Ten years after the events of the first game, Foster returns in search of a child that was abducted, leading him to uncover sinister secrets about his own past hidden within the vertical layers of the city.
Gameplay involves exploring the expansive open world and interacting with characters and objects. Puzzles need to be solved by combining items or manipulating technology using a specialized hacking tool. The game features impressive comic book-style visuals powered by the Unity engine.
Beyond a Steel Sky expands on the cyberpunk themes of its predecessor with its setting and characters while continuing the engaging, humorous, and dystopian style of storytelling Revolution Software is known for. Fans of classic adventure games should enjoy exploring the richly-realized setting and unraveling the thought-provoking narrative.