Blippar is an augmented reality and image recognition mobile app that brings additional info and interactive content to real-world objects, recognizing products, landmarks, animals, and more.
Blippar is an augmented reality and visual discovery app launched in 2011. It utilizes image recognition and augmented reality technology to bring the physical world to life through smartphones and tablets.
Here's how Blippar works: Users open the Blippar app and point their device's camera at a recognized object or image like a product label, landmark, advertisement, food item, etc. Blippar's visual discovery engine recognizes the object and instantly overlays interactive digital content and information on top of the real-world view.
For example, users can blipp a chocolate bar to view nutrition information, blipp a monument to get history details, or blipp products like toys and clothing to play games and view additional images. The app brings packages, print ads, money, and more to life in AR.
Blippar's image recognition library contains over 100 million items including thousands of brands and trademarks across industries like retail, publishing, manufacturing, and travel. The proprietary technology can match images at different angles and sizes.
In addition to recognition, Blippar allows brands and publishers to create immersive AR campaigns, promotions, and experiences that activate when users blipp marked images. It also offers blippable product packaging through Blippbuilder.
The Blippar app has over 85 million downloads globally. Its augmented reality and image recognition technology provides an interactive way for users to access information and engage with the world around them through their mobile device cameras.