icon is a content delivery network (CDN) and web performance service that speeds up websites and web apps by caching assets like images, CSS files, and JS scripts on a global network of servers.

What is is a content delivery network (CDN) and web performance service designed to accelerate websites and web applications by caching static assets like images, CSS files, JavaScript files, and more on servers spread across the globe.

Here are some key things to know about

  • It has over 1500 servers in 85+ locations worldwide to cache content close to end users for fast delivery and minimal latency.
  • CDN77 handles optimization and compression of assets to reduce file sizes.
  • It provides DDoS protection against attacks and can absorb huge traffic spikes.
  • Customers can use pay-as-you-go pricing, longer subscriptions, or enterprise plans tailored to their needs.
  • CDN77 includes advanced performance features like HTTP/2 support, browser caching configurations, origin shielding, and more.
  • It has an intuitive control panel and API access for easy management from a central dashboard.
  • 24/7 real-time analytics, monitoring, traffic reports, and logging are included.

In summary, reduces load times, increases website availability and security, and improves performance for sites receiving global visitor traffic. It's an enterprise-grade CDN suitable for small to large websites and web apps.

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