Advanced boolean operations for 3D solid modeling, designed for experienced CAD users and engineers seeking enhanced modeling capabilities.
Chisel is an open-source computer-aided design (CAD) software application developed as an alternative to Fusion 360. It focuses specifically on providing advanced boolean operations for working with 3D solid models.
While Chisel lacks some of the broad functionality seen in Fusion 360 for simulation, rendering, and CAM, it excels at complex boolean solid modeling operations. This includes operations like unions, intersections, and differences between solids.
The goal of Chisel is to provide CAD engineers and designers with access to powerful solid modeling tools, without needing to pay expensive licensing fees. It is developed as a community-driven free and open-source project.
Some key capabilities include:
The target audience for Chisel is more experienced CAD users and engineers who need advanced solid modeling capabilities, rather than casual users or beginners. The learning curve is steeper than most CAD packages, but it rewards users with very robust tools for manipulating 3D solids.
Overall, Chisel makes an excellent free option for engineers, designers, makers, and hobbyists focused specifically on advanced boolean operations for working with 3D CAD models.
Here are some alternatives to Chisel:
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