Web-based app gamifies household chores, assigns tasks, tracks completion, rewards experience points & leveling up, and makes cleaning fun for families.
Chore Wars is a web application designed to encourage family members to complete regular chores through a gamification and RPG (role-playing game) approach. Parents can create profiles for children and assign each one age-appropriate chores with specific point values attached.
When members complete their chores, they earn the associated points. These points allow their profile characters to gain experience and "level up" like in a fantasy RPG game. There is also support for creating teams and battles.
The goal of Chore Wars is to motivate children (and sometimes adults) to take more initiative and responsibility in finishing regular household jobs. By adding gameplay elements, inter-family competition, teams and rewards, the otherwise mundane tasks become more engaging. Families set up the app together and track progress towards goals and levels.
Some of the main features include: assigning chores with custom values and frequencies; character stats and levels that increase through chore completion; purchasing armor, weapons or abilities as rewards; creating battle teams or going solo; earning achievement badges; and tracking chore history through the dashboard.
Chore Wars works for families with young children through young adults/teens. It uses concepts kids and gamers enjoy to re-frame chores as quests to build better characters and succeed together as a family unit.