Paste and share text snippets, code, paragraphs, or messages with others via a custom URL in this simple online clipboard. is a simple online text and code sharing and clipboard tool. It allows users to quickly paste and share text snippets, code snippets, paragraphs, or messages by generating a custom URL.
Some key features of include: is very simple and straightforward to use. Just paste any text into the text box, click the Generate URL button, and you get a link to share that text with anyone. When they visit the link, they'll see the exact text you pasted. It's a quick and handy way to share notes, messages, code snippets, or anything else you want to quickly send to someone.
Some use cases for include sharing meeting notes, interview answers or responses, support messages with customers, code examples, directions or instructions, and more. The automatic deletion helps keep the tool clean and avoids publicly storing sensitive information permanently.
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