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ClickGum is a time tracking and productivity software designed for agencies and professional services teams. It allows users to track time, manage projects, invoice clients, log expenses, and automate billing workflows.

What is ClickGum?

ClickGum is a cloud-based time tracking and project management solution designed specifically for agencies, consultants, accountants, and other professional services teams. It helps users track time and bill their clients more efficiently.

Key features of ClickGum include:

  • Time Tracking - Automatic and manual time tracking with productivity metrics and integrations with popular calendar apps.
  • Project Management - Task lists, budgets, file sharing, discussions, and custom workflows to keep projects organized.
  • Invoicing - Create, customize, send, and accept online payments for professional invoices.
  • Expense Tracking - Log expenses and link receipts for easy reimbursement.
  • Billing Rules - Set up rules to automatically bill clients based on time and project milestone completion.
  • Reporting - Visual reports provide insights into productivity, budgets vs actuals, profitability, and more.

Overall, ClickGum aims to help streamline time tracking, project and client management, invoicing, and billing workflows for busy service teams. A user-friendly interface makes it simple for even non-technical users to get up and running quickly.

The Best ClickGum Alternatives

Top Apps like ClickGum

ClickMeter, Clicky, TrackingDesk, LinkTrackr are some alternatives to ClickGum.


ClickMeter is an analytics platform used for tracking and analyzing clicks, conversions, and other marketing metrics. It provides the following key features:Click Tracking - Track clicks on your links and monitor click metrics like unique clicks, click rates, geo data, and more. Integrates with many popular ad platforms.A...


Clicky is a user-friendly web analytics platform designed to help website owners understand how visitors interact with their sites. It provides real-time analytics, allowing users to see visitor activity as it happens instead of waiting for delayed reports.Some key features of Clicky include:Real-time visitor tracking - See every...


TrackingDesk is a cloud-based help desk software designed to streamline customer support and task management for businesses. Some key features include:Ticket management - Create, assign, prioritize, and resolve support tickets from a single panel. Automate ticket workflows with custom rules.Real-time collaboration - Share messages, files, and updates with...


LinkTrackr is an open source link tracking and analytics platform designed to help website owners understand how users interact with the links on their sites. It is self-hosted, meaning you download and install it on your own server or web host.Some key features of LinkTrackr include:Automatic click tracking...