

ColorDict is a free color dictionary and naming tool. It allows you to lookup color names and values, generate color palettes, and name new colors.
ColorDict image
color dictionary lookup palette naming

ColorDict: Free Color Dictionary & Naming Tool

Discover the power of color with ColorDict, a free online tool for looking up color names and values, generating palettes, and naming new colors.

What is ColorDict?

ColorDict is a free online color dictionary and naming utility. It enables you to:

  • Lookup color names and hexadecimal RGB/RGBA values
  • Generate attractive color palettes and schemes
  • Name new colors by hue, saturation, and brightness
  • Save and share custom color palettes
  • Browse thousands of premade palettes for inspiration
  • Convert between various color models like RGB, HSL, CMYK, etc.
  • View similar colors and harmonious color combinations
  • Get copyable color codes for CSS, SASS, templates, and more

ColorDict has an intuitive interface making it easy for designers, artists, developers, and anyone who works with color to lookup, generate, name, and convert colors. Its extensive database of premade palettes covers everything from bold primaries to soothing neutrals to gradient spectra.

By providing an enormous library of colors, handy color tools, and real-time color information, ColorDict aims to be the ultimate color dictionary online for finding and experimenting with colors.

ColorDict Features


  1. Color lookup
  2. Color palette generator
  3. Color name generator
  4. Color picker
  5. Color converter


  • Free



Simple and easy to use

Supports multiple color formats

Large database of colors


Limited features compared to paid tools

Basic interface

Windows only

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