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Corebook° is an open-source, privacy-focused alternative to Facebook. It allows users to connect with friends and family, share updates, photos, and links, join groups, and organize events. As it's open-source, Corebook° promises no data mining of user information for advertising.

What is Corebook°?

Corebook° is an open-source, decentralized social networking platform that focuses on privacy and giving users control over their data. It was created as an ethical, non-commercial alternative to mainstream social networks like Facebook.

Some key features of Corebook° include:

  • Open source code that is transparent, auditable, and available for anyone to use or modify.
  • User data is encrypted and not accessible or sold to third parties.
  • Options to make posts private, anonymous, or pseudonymous for increased privacy.
  • Self-hosting available for those who want maximum data ownership and control.
  • Chronological news feeds instead of algorithmic feeds that promote engagement.
  • Groups, events, messaging, and other community-building features.

The platform is built with privacy at the forefront. There is no tracking, data mining, or targeted advertising. Data is stored in decentralized servers rather than a central database. The code is constantly scrutinized and improved by a global community of independent developers.

While Corebook° lacks some of the fancy features and large user base of networks like Facebook, it offers an ad-free experience where users have transparency and control. For people concerned about corporate surveillance, data harvesting, and unethical business practices, Corebook° provides a principled alternative.

The Best Corebook° Alternatives

Top Apps like Corebook°

zeroheight, Brandy, Frontify, Pilcro are some alternatives to Corebook°.


Zeroheight is an open-source, self-hosted website builder designed to make website creation easy for non-technical users. At its core, Zeroheight enables users to visually build pages by dragging and dropping various content elements such as text, images, videos, contact forms, etc.Some key features of Zeroheight include:Intuitive drag and...


Brandy is an open-source web content management system and application framework written in the PHP scripting language. It provides users with a graphical user interface to build and manage dynamic websites without needing advanced coding skills.Some key features of Brandy include:Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for adding and arranging content...


Frontify is a SaaS platform focused on brand management, brand asset creation and distribution, and enforcing brand guidelines across organizations. It helps companies establish visual brand consistency and streamline branding processes.Key features of Frontify include:Style guide creation and publishing - Create visual style guides with custom layouts, images...


Pilcro is an open-source content management system (CMS) and blogging platform built using the Python programming language and the Django web framework. It provides users with an intuitive way to create, organize, and publish various types of content on the web.As an open-source CMS, Pilcro offers several key benefits...