DAA2ISO is a free, open-source software that converts disk images in the DAA format to the ISO format. It is a simple yet reliable tool for converting between these common disk image formats.
DAA2ISO is an easy-to-use, open-source software application designed specifically for converting disk image files from the DAA format to the more common ISO format. Developed by DVDisaster project, DAA2ISO provides a straightforward way for users to access and extract data from DAA images without needing to install specialized DAA mounting software.
As a focused disk image conversion utility, DAA2ISO offers an efficient single-purpose tool rather than a bulkier multi-format manager. It streamlines the process of converting DAA files to the ISO standard in preparation for mounting, burning to disks, or other applications. The simple graphical interface is intuitive to use with just three buttons for adding DAAs, setting ISO output location, and starting conversion.
DAA2ISO software is available completely free of charge for Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. As an open-source tool, the C++ source code is freely accessible for examination and modification. It relies on the open-source libraries libburnia for image reading and writing as well as GTK+ for its graphical interface.
While it has a narrow focus on DAA to ISO conversion only, DAA2ISO performs its job very capably. For those with disks backed up in the DAA format or with DAA image files for archival purposes, DAA2ISO makes accessing that data easily without investing in paid DAA software or learning complex disk image suite tools.