Email Signature

Email Signature

An email signature is a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an email message. It typically includes the sender's name, job title, company name, phone number, website, and other contact details.
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email signature contact-details

Email Signature: Manage your professional signature with Suggest

An email signature is a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an email message. It typically includes the sender's name, job title, company name, phone number, website, and other contact details.

What is Email Signature?

An email signature is a block of text that is automatically appended at the bottom of an email message when sending it. It serves as a way for the sender to identify themselves and provide quick access to their contact details and other information.

A typical email signature includes the sender's full name, job title, company name, phone number, email address, website URL, social media profiles, address, and sometimes a logo or headshot image. The signature stays constant from email to email so recipients can easily glean the sender's details.

Email signatures help convey professionalism and branding for both individual senders and organizations. They allow recipients to quickly find contact and company information if needed without having to hunt through prior emails or go to other sources. Signatures also provide clickable links to websites, social profiles, and email addresses to make contacting the sender more convenient.

Many email clients and services provide tools to easily create and append signatures to outgoing emails, allowing users to create consistent branding and contact information on all correspondence. Best practices recommend concise signatures that highlight only the most relevant details so as not to take up too much space in recipients' inboxes.

Email Signature Features


  1. Customizable email signatures
  2. Centralized signature management
  3. Automatic signature insertion
  4. Branding and logo integration
  5. Tracking and analytics
  6. Mobile-friendly signatures
  7. Signature templates and designs
  8. Signature scheduling and updates
  9. Compliance and legal disclaimer support
  10. Integration with popular email clients


  • Freemium
  • Subscription-Based


Consistent branding and professional image

Reduced manual effort in signature management

Improved email communication and engagement

Increased visibility of contact information

Compliance with email signature regulations

Enhanced customer experience


Potential learning curve for non-technical users

Subscription fees for advanced features

Limited customization options in free versions

Potential compatibility issues with certain email clients

Ongoing maintenance and updates required

The Best Email Signature Alternatives

Top Office & Productivity and Email Tools and other similar apps like Email Signature

WiseStamp icon


WiseStamp is an email signature creation and management platform that allows users to design professional email signatures complete with images, social media and contact information, quotes, and more. It has an intuitive drag-and-drop editor that makes creating eye-catching signatures easy, even for non-designers.Some key features of WiseStamp include:Drag-and-drop signature designer...
WiseStamp image
Htmlsig icon


Htmlsig is an open source JavaScript library that allows users to sign PDF documents with visible signatures using HTML and CSS. It provides an easy way to create good looking visible signatures without needing to design them in a graphics editor.Some key features of Htmlsig include:Lightweight at around 5KB gzippedWorks...
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Email Signature Generator by LeadFuze icon

Email Signature Generator by LeadFuze

The Email Signature Generator by LeadFuze is a user-friendly online tool for creating visually appealing email signatures to promote your brand. With an intuitive drag-and-drop builder interface, you can fully customize professional signatures in just minutes without any design experience required.Simply select one of many modern template styles and color...
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SyncSignature icon


SyncSignature is a cloud-based e-signature and approval workflow platform designed for teams that need to manage digital documents and get them signed digitally. It provides an easy way to send, sign, track, and store documents without printing or scanning paper contracts.Some key features of SyncSignature include:Drag-and-drop form builder to easily...
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NEWOLDSTAMP is a free and open-source software application for creating digital designs for custom rubber stamps, signature stamps, monogram stamps, return address stamps, and more. It provides an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for stamp design.With NEWOLDSTAMP, users can choose from a variety of stamp shapes including rectangles, ovals, circles, ribbons,...
MySignature icon


MySignature is a cloud-based electronic signature software used by individuals and businesses to sign documents and agreements digitally without needing to print, scan, or fax paperwork. It allows users to upload documents, add signature fields, and send documents out for signing using reusable templates.With MySignature, users can quickly gather legally-binding...
MySignature image


SI.GNATU.RE is a comprehensive e-signature and digital transaction management platform designed to help organizations manage the entire lifecycle of digital documents and contracts. Some key features of SI.GNATU.RE include:Drag-and-drop editor to create reusable templates for contracts and other documentsCustomizable signing workflows and routing rulesLegally-binding e-signatures with audit trailsIntegration with popular...
SignatureSatori icon


SignatureSatori is an advanced artificial intelligence-powered software for generating realistic, customizable handwritten signatures and handwriting. It eliminates the need to create signatures or write things out by hand.With SignatureSatori, users can simply type any name, word, or phrase and the software will instantly generate a realistic handwritten version, complete with...
SignatureSatori image
Email Signature by icon

Email Signature by

Email Signature by is a free online tool that allows users to create professional email signatures to include at the bottom of their emails. It offers a simple drag-and-drop interface to add contact information like name, title, phone number, website link, as well as links to social media profiles...
Email Signature by image
Signature Lab icon

Signature Lab

Signature Lab is a cloud-based electronic signature software designed to help organizations streamline signature workflows and approvals. It provides a drag-and-drop editor to create reusable signature templates that include form fields, signature blocks, and branding elements.With Signature Lab, users can send documents for signature through multiple channels including email, web...
Signature Lab image
Signaturia icon


Signaturia is an open-source electronic signature software designed to help individuals and businesses sign documents digitally and legally. It provides a quick, easy way to send and sign contracts, approvals and other documents from any device.With Signaturia, users can simply drag-and-drop documents they need signed into the app, add their... icon is a comprehensive software solution designed specifically for managing professional email signatures and disclaimers across an entire organization. It allows companies to centrally create, update, and control email signatures for all employees quickly and easily.With's signature designer, pre-built templates, and team management features, consistency of branding and messaging... image
ZippySig icon


ZippySig is a user-friendly electronic signature software solution that makes it easy for individuals and teams to add legally valid e-signatures to documents, contracts, forms, and other paperwork. It provides a simple, fast way to send documents for signature and track signature progress right from your email inbox.Key features of...
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Email Signature Creator icon

Email Signature Creator

An email signature creator is an online application that makes it easy for anyone to design attractive, professional email signatures to include at the bottom of outgoing email messages. These tools provide intuitive interfaces and templates so you can fully customize and brand your signature without needing design experience.With an...
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Email Signature Rescue icon

Email Signature Rescue

Email Signature Rescue is a comprehensive software solution designed specifically for managing email signatures across organizations. It makes it easy for employees to create consistent, professional email signatures that properly represent their brand.With Email Signature Rescue, you can:Build beautiful HTML email signatures using the intuitive drag-and-drop builderIncorporate images, stylized text,...
Email Signature Rescue image
Bybrand icon


Bybrand is an open-source, free desktop publishing and page layout application similar to Adobe InDesign. It is designed for creating high-quality and professional print materials such as brochures, flyers, magazines, books, presentations, posters, and more.Some key features of Bybrand include:Intuitive and customizable interfaceAdvanced typography controlsSupport for importing various file formatsProfessional...
Bybrand image
Gimmio icon


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Signaturify icon


Signaturify is an electronic signature software that allows individuals and teams to get legal electronic signatures on documents in minutes. With Signaturify, you can create reusable templates or upload your own documents in Word, PDF, or other formats to send out for signature.Key features include:Custom branding and messaging so signatures...
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SignMyEmails icon


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