Personalized crop management and farm advisory services for smallholder farmers in India, leveraging artificial intelligence technology.
eSagu is an artificial intelligence and machine learning-powered crop advisory system designed specifically for smallholder farmers in India. It aims to improve crop productivity and income for farmers by providing personalized, location and crop-specific advisories on topics like sowing, nutrients, irrigation, pest and disease management.
The system collects data on soil, weather, crop growth stage and uses computer vision and predictive analytics to give tailored recommendations to farmers on their phones via SMS or mobile apps. Real-time alerts on upcoming weather events, pest/disease outbreaks also help farmers take preventive measures.
eSagu has benefited over 2 million farmers across 16,000+ villages in India so far through its multilingual apps and on-ground training programs. By increasing yields, reducing costs and crop losses, it has demonstrated the social impact of AI in improving incomes and livelihoods of smallholder farmers.