EssayTyper is an online tool that allows users to enter keywords or topics and it will automatically generate an essay on that topic. It is meant to help students overcome writer's block or procrastination. The essays generated are generally low quality, containing lorem ipsum filler text and unrelated content.
EssayTyper is an automated essay writing website that offers to generate essays on any topic for students. It was created as a parody tool to assist writers suffering from writer's block. Instead of generating high-quality content, EssayTyper actually produces essays filled with lorem ipsum text and random sentences that rarely relate to the specified topic. It inserts quotes and facts that do not support any logical argument.
While this website can create the superficial appearance of an essay very quickly, it provides no actual content or analysis. The goal of the site is not to have people turn in these generated essays as their own work. The nonsense essays are meant to motivate procrastinating students to start working on their own writing instead of obsessing for hours seeking an easier way out. EssayTyper demonstrates that while an automated essay generator is capable of spinning words together into paragraphs, it cannot match the logic, analysis, and organization of an essay written by a knowledgeable and skilled writer.
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