Facebook AdBlock for Chrome icon

Facebook AdBlock for Chrome

Facebook AdBlock for Chrome is a browser extension that blocks ads and sponsored posts on Facebook. It aims to provide a cleaner Facebook experience free from distracting promotions.

What is Facebook AdBlock for Chrome?

Facebook AdBlock for Chrome is a free browser extension available on the Chrome Web Store. It works specifically within Facebook by removing sponsored posts and ads that normally appear in the news feed or sidebar. This includes text, image, and video ads.

By blocking these ads and promoted posts, Facebook AdBlock creates a cleaner look on Facebook so users can focus on connecting with friends and family. It aims to eliminate distractions from the core Facebook experience. The extension continues working in the background, automatically blocking new ads as they are loaded.

Facebook AdBlock is customizable in what types of ads and posts it blocks. Users can tweak the settings to best suit their preferences. It also helps protect privacy by stopping advertiser trackers and analytics scripts from running in the background while browsing Facebook.

As an extension tailored specifically for Facebook, it is lighter weight than broader ad blockers. For those frustrated by increasing ads on Facebook, Facebook AdBlock for Chrome provides an easy way to reclaim a distraction-free experience.

The Best Facebook AdBlock for Chrome Alternatives

Top Apps like Facebook AdBlock for Chrome

AdBlock, Adblock Plus, Blokada, AdAway, 1Blocker, Hush Nag Blocker, AdBlocker Ultimate, AdClear, ZenMate Web Firewall, Wipr are some alternatives to Facebook AdBlock for Chrome.


AdBlock is a popular open-source ad blocking browser extension available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge. It aims to provide users with a faster, more secure and distraction-free browsing experience by blocking ads, tracking technologies and malware domains.Once installed, AdBlock automatically blocks all ads...

Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus is one of the most popular ad blocking extensions available. It can be added to web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera to block intrusive ads and protect user privacy while browsing the web.When enabled, Adblock Plus will automatically remove ads from websites you visit. This...


Blokada is a free and open source ad blocker and privacy protection app for Android devices. It works by creating a VPN to filter out advertising, tracking, malware and other unwanted content from websites, apps and more.One of the key benefits of Blokada is that it is highly configurable...


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1Blocker is an ad blocking and privacy protection extension and application for Safari on iOS and Mac. It blocks ads, trackers, malware, annoyances, and prevents companies from collecting personal data about users while they browse the web.Key features of 1Blocker include:Blocks all ads including banner ads, video ads...

Hush Nag Blocker

Hush Nag Blocker is a lightweight program for Windows that stops those irritating pop-up notifications from appearing on your computer. It works by detecting and muting the triggers from other software that make notifications pop up.The tool is very easy to use - you simply install it, and it...

AdBlocker Ultimate

AdBlocker Ultimate is a comprehensive ad blocking extension for web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Edge. It blocks various types of online advertising including banner ads, pop-up ads, video ads, Facebook ads and more to provide users with a clean and smooth web browsing experience without intrusive ads...


AdClear is a popular ad blocking and privacy protection browser extension available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and other major web browsers. It goes beyond basic ad blocking by also detecting and blocking trackers, analytics scripts, device fingerprinting, cookie notices, and more.Key features of AdClear include:Blocks all ads including...

ZenMate Web Firewall

ZenMate Web Firewall is a browser extension available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge that serves as an all-in-one cybersecurity solution for your browsing. It aims to protect users against a wide range of online threats including malware, phishing attacks, hackers, and trackers.Key features of ZenMate Web Firewall include...


Wipr is an ad blocking extension and privacy tool for Safari on Mac and iOS devices. It was designed by the developer Giorgio Calderolla for a fast and highly effective ad blocking experience on Apple devices.Wipr blocks ads, trackers, cookies, and other website elements that clutter webpages and negatively...