Discover the enchanting world of Faerie Solitaire, a solitaire card game with unique twists, colorful graphics, and an immersive narrative adventure spanning over 100 levels.
Faerie Solitaire is a casual solitaire card game developed and published by Subsoap. It mixes elements of classic solitaire gameplay with a fantasy setting and narrative adventure.
The game includes several unique solitaire variants that put twists on traditional klondike and other popular solitaire games. Some game modes introduce rules like card colors affecting valid plays, linked discard piles, buried cards to dig up, and more. The colorful artwork and soundtrack reinforce the lighthearted faerie tale theme.
In addition to the core solitaire card gameplay, Faerie Solitaire includes an in-depth fantasy world with a story mode spanning over 100 levels. As you play through the game, you'll learn about the different fantastical creatures that inhabit this world via the in-game encyclopedia. The narrative adventure follows the protagonist on a quest to free captured faeries.
With its combination of familiar solitaire card gameplay enhanced by creative variants and twists, an expansive fantasy setting, and a lengthy story mode, Faerie Solitaire provides a fresh take on the classic solitaire formula that offers hours of enjoyment for card game enthusiasts.