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FeedsAPI is an open-source RSS and Atom feed API that allows developers to easily integrate feeds into their applications and websites. It handles fetching, parsing, and caching feeds on the server-side.

What is FeedsAPI?

FeedsAPI is an open-source web feed (RSS & Atom) API written in PHP that makes it easy for developers to integrate feed content into their applications and websites. It abstracts away much of the complexity involved with fetching, parsing, normalizing, and caching feeds by handling it on the server-side.

Some key features of FeedsAPI include:

  • Simple API for retrieving parsed feed content
  • Normalizes feed content into a consistent structure
  • Built-in caching for fast performance
  • Automatic feed updates and refresh handling
  • Extensible and customizable architecture
  • Handles proper HTTP caching headers
  • Actively maintained and supported

By handling all the feed parsing, normalization, and caching on your server, FeedsAPI allows you to focus on building application logic and frontend presentation rather than feed processing. It's a lightweight library with no dependencies making it easy to integrate into new or existing PHP projects.

The Best FeedsAPI Alternatives

Top Apps like FeedsAPI

Yomu - RSS Reader, Full-Text RSS, Simple RSS Push, TTRSS-Reader, Aktuell, Sourcerer, Heartfeed RSS Reader, Newsdippides, Smart RSS, Flyne, MiniRSS are some alternatives to FeedsAPI.

Yomu - RSS Reader

Yomu is a free, open-source web-based RSS reader that allows you to easily subscribe to feeds and read articles from all your favorite websites. It has a clean, intuitive interface that focuses on the reading experience without any ads or clutter.Some key features of Yomu include:Support for all...

Full-Text RSS

Full-Text RSS is an enhanced RSS feed format that provides the full text content of articles, blog posts, and other content directly in the feed. Unlike regular RSS feeds which typically only include headlines, brief summaries, or snippets, Full-Text RSS feeds include the complete body text.This allows users to...

Simple RSS Push

Simple RSS Push is a free Windows application designed to help bloggers and website owners automatically distribute new content to RSS aggregators and readers. It works by monitoring websites for changes and detecting when new posts or pages are published.Once Simple RSS Push detects new content, it will immediately...


TTRSS-Reader (Tiny Tiny RSS Reader) is a free and open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator. It allows you to subscribe to various news feeds, blogs, podcasts, and more - then aggregates all those sites into one easy-to-use interface for you to read your news.Some key...


Aktuell is an open-source content management system written in PHP with a focus on being simple and easy to use. It utilizes MySQL as the database backend and has a simple, clean interface that allows users to easily create and organize content.Some key features of Aktuell include:Drag-and-drop functionality...


Sourcerer is an AI-powered code search engine that helps developers find and reuse existing open source code. It provides semantic code search and discovery by indexing over 3.5 billion code snippets from open source projects on GitHub and other public code repositories.Unlike simple text search over code, Sourcerer understands code...

Heartfeed RSS Reader

Heartfeed is an open-source, self-hosted web application for following websites and blogs. It serves as an RSS reader and aggregator, allowing you to subscribe to multiple RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds and read all your sites in one convenient place.As an open-source alternative to feed readers like Feedly and...


Newsdippides is a news aggregator application designed to help users easily scan headlines and stay current with top stories from a variety of news sources. The app gathers news articles from major publications across different categories including technology, business, sports, entertainment, politics, and more.The main interface displays headlines organized...

Smart RSS

Smart RSS is an easy-to-use yet powerful RSS reader and news aggregator for Windows. It enables you to subscribe to all your favorite blogs, news sites, and more in one place so you can catch up on the latest content from all your feeds in a single app.With Smart...


Flyne is an open-source music player app for Android that focuses on providing a lightweight and intuitive user experience. Developed by Deviateic, Flyne allows you to stream music from online sources like YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, and more.Some key features of Flyne include:Minimalist, material design interfaceSupport for YouTube playlists...


MiniRSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator. It is designed to be easy to install and use while still being customizable. It enables managing and reading personal or shared feeds online from any computer or mobile device.Some key features of MiniRSS include:Easy...