Free stock images, videos, illustrations and vectors for commercial use, plus a vast online repository of free shared media
Freeimages is a free stock image and video website that provides thousands of high-quality stock images, photos, videos, illustrations and vectors that can be downloaded and used for free, even for commercial purposes. It is one of the largest online repositories of free-to-use shared media.
Freeimages features over 400,000 free stock images and videos shared by thousands of contributing photographers, visual artists and content creators. All content on the website is released under Creative Commons licenses, meaning the media can be used for free for both personal and commercial projects without paying royalties or attribution in most cases. However, some content may have certain restrictions, so users need to verify the specific license for each piece of media before using it.
Some key features of Freeimages include:
Overall, Freeimages provides designers, developers, entrepreneurs, bloggers and creatives with an extensive collection of professional-quality, free-to-use stock media that can be legally downloaded and implemented into both personal and commercial projects, presenting a great free alternative to paid stock media services.
Here are some alternatives to Freeimages:
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