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Frisby is an open source REST API testing framework built on top of Node.js. It provides an easy way to write clear, readable and maintainable API tests using JavaScript.

What is Frisby?

Frisby is an open source REST API testing framework built on top of Node.js. It allows developers to easily test REST API endpoints using JavaScript and JSON.

Some key features of Frisby include:

  • Intuitive API for writing tests by chaining methods and expectations
  • Built-in support for testing REST API calls like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc.
  • Automatic validation of response status codes, headers, body content
  • Easily handle authentication with HTTP Basic Auth or OAuth
  • Supports mocking external service dependencies for isolated testing
  • Generate comprehensive test reports in JUnit XML format
  • Active open source community behind continued development

Frisby tests read like plain English sentences which makes them easy to understand even for non-technical stakeholders. It abstracts away low level HTTP calls and allows developers to focus on validating API behavior through a rich set of matchers and expectations.

Overall, Frisby aims to provide a flexible and fun JavaScript-based solution for testing and validating REST APIs during development cycles.

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