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Gaglers Live Chat

Gaglers Live Chat is a live chat and messaging software designed for websites. It allows real-time conversations between website visitors and agents through an intuitive chat interface. Key features include unlimited agents, custom chat widgets, real-time analytics, and integration with popular CRMs.

What is Gaglers Live Chat?

Gaglers Live Chat is a feature-rich yet easy-to-use live chat and messaging platform designed for websites of all sizes. It enables real-time conversations between website visitors and agents, allowing businesses to provide instant support and improve customer satisfaction.

With Gaglers Live Chat, you can have unlimited agents available to chat with visitors simultaneously. The system can handle a large volume of chats without compromising performance or speed. You also get customizable chat widgets to match your brand, which can be embedded on your website pages easily.

The software provides real-time analytics to help understand chat statistics like total chats, response times, popular pages, etc. This helps make data-driven decisions to improve chat efficiency. Gaglers Live Chat also offers seamless integrations with popular CRMs like Salesforce, Zendesk, Freshdesk, and more to unify customer data.

Other key features include chat transfers, offline messaging, security controls, customizable greetings, and more. With its reliable infrastructure and responsive support team, Gaglers Live Chat is an ideal live chat software for websites across industries.

The Best Gaglers Live Chat Alternatives

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