A tool that rehosts existing Git repositories on IPFS, preserving repository history and files for decentralized storage and access.
git-ipfs-rehost is an open source command line tool that facilitates rehosting Git repositories on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). It enables users to take an existing Git repo hosted on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket etc. and migrate it to be served over IPFS while preserving the entire commit history and file versions.
By rehosting on IPFS, repositories benefit from decentralized and distributed storage and content addressing. This means the project files and git objects are stored on many IPFS nodes instead of a centralized server. Content is addressed by cryptographic hashes of the content itself rather than location. This makes link rot less likely compared to regular URLs.
git-ipfs-rehost automates converting a repo to an IPFS compatible Merkle DAG data structure and pushing to an IPFS daemon. It also handles updating references to point to the IPFS content hashed links instead of the old centralized locations. The tool is written in Go and can be installed via npm or by downloading a binary.
Some use cases for projects to switch to IPFS hosting include gaining censorship resistance, immutability of historical versions, and avoiding reliance on a single server or service provider to stay online. It serves as a way to future proof open source projects through decentralized storage. The downsides include lower compatibility, performance tradeoffs, and less convenience than traditional git hosting platforms.
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