Discover discounted indie video games and support independent developers with pay-what-you-want bundles on Indie Royale, only available for a limited time on Sugggest
Indie Royale is a video game website that offers bundles of independently developed video games at discounted prices. The site was launched in 2011 with the goal of promoting indie developers and allowing players access to indie games at low prices.
Here's how it works: Indie Royale partners with small independent game studios to bundle 4-5 of their games together. These bundles are offered on the site for a limited time, usually a period of 2-7 days. Players can pay what they want to unlock the entire bundle during that period, with a minimum of $1 required to get the games.
Once the sale period is over, the bundle disappears from the site, making the games harder to access afterward. This creates an incentive for interested players to pick up the bundle while it's featured on Indie Royale. The site usually has a new bundle launching every 2 weeks or so.
The games found in Indie Royale bundles often include critically-acclaimed indie titles across a variety of genres and platforms. The site splits the payment revenue between the featured developers, as well as select charities. This allows players to get great deals on the games while supporting indie devs and charities.
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