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Inkworthy is a writing assistant software that helps improve your writing through AI-powered suggestions and feedback. It checks for spelling, grammar, style, and structure issues.

What is Inkworthy?

Inkworthy is an AI-powered writing assistant software designed to help writers improve their craft. It analyzes your text in real-time and offers intelligent feedback and suggestions to strengthen your writing in terms of spelling, grammar, style, structure, and more.

Some key features of Inkworthy include:

  • Spelling and grammar checking - it flags typos, grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, etc. and suggests corrections
  • Style analysis - checks for clarity, concision, tone, and other stylistic issues
  • Structure and flow - identifies potential problems with structure and flow while reading through the text
  • Contextual rewrite suggestions - proposes alternative wording and phrasing in context to improve the text
  • Rich formatting - supports text formatting options including fonts, sizes, colors, etc.
  • Customizable writing goals - you can set specific goals like improving clarity or enhancing engagement
  • Readable tone detector - aims to enhance readability through sentence restructuring suggestions
  • Plagiarism checker - checks for passages copied from other sources
  • Available as a browser extension and desktop app

Overall, Inkworthy utilizes AI to provide comprehensive and actionable feedback to help writers enhance their skills while creating any kind of document or content.

The Best Inkworthy Alternatives

Top Apps like Inkworthy

Flipboard, Google News, Issuu, The Economist, Drudge Report, The New York Times, News as Facts, Bundle News, HuffPost, Newsela, Issuhub, Gossip Junkie are some alternatives to Inkworthy.


Flipboard is a popular news aggregation and content curation mobile and web application launched in 2010. It allows users to customize their feeds by selecting topics, sources, and social media accounts they are interested in following.When a user signs up, Flipboard asks them questions about their interests and preferences. Based...

Google News

Google News is a news aggregation service developed and maintained by Google. It presents a continuous, customizable flow of articles organized from thousands of publishers and magazines.Key features of Google News include:Aggregates headlines and articles from news sources worldwideAllows users to customize news feeds based on topics, sources...


Issuu is an online digital publishing and document sharing platform that allows users to upload, publish, and share PDFs, images, presentations, and other types of documents as online publications. It acts as an alternative to traditional print media by offering an easy conversion of print assets to digital format with...

The Economist

The Economist is an internationally recognized weekly news and business publication based in London. First published in 1843, it has established itself as one of the most authoritative and informative outlets covering world affairs, politics, business, finance, science and technology.The magazine is easily recognizable by its minimalist front cover design...

Drudge Report

The Drudge Report is one of the most popular news aggregation websites on the Internet. It was founded in 1996 by Matt Drudge and features primarily conservative news links and commentary. The homepage is essentially a long list of headlines linking out to external articles, often with provocative headlines intended to...

The New York Times

The New York Times (NYT) is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious and influential newspapers in the world. First published in 1851, the NYT provides extensive coverage of national and international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, sports, arts and more.The NYT has won 130 Pulitzer Prizes, more than...

News as Facts

News as Facts is a news aggregation website launched in 2019 that focuses on objectively presenting news stories without putting spin, bias or sensationalism. The site's founders aimed to create a news source that gives readers just the straightforward facts on daily events.The site collects news articles from over 100 global...

Bundle News

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HuffPost (formerly The Huffington Post until 2017) is a liberal American online news aggregator and blog that has both localized and international editions. It was founded in 2005 by Arianna Huffington, Andrew Breitbart, Kenneth Lerer, and Jonah Peretti.HuffPost offers news, satire, opinion, aggregation, and a variety of content including politics, business...


Newsela is an education technology company founded in 2013 that provides students and teachers with access to high-interest news articles rewritten at five different reading levels. This allows teachers to find news content that matches their students' individual reading abilities.The Newsela platform takes authentic content from trusted media sources and...


Issuhub is an open-source, self-hosted project management and issue tracking web application. It provides teams with a centralized platform to plan projects, break down work into manageable tasks, track progress, and collaborate with team members.Some key features of Issuhub include:Flexible kanban boards to visualize workflows and track progressCustomizable...

Gossip Junkie

Gossip Junkie is a social networking mobile app that provides a platform for people to anonymously post and share unverified gossip, rumors, and hearsay. Its main feature is an anonymous feed that shows short blurbs of juicy, questionable, and entertaining stories submitted by others in the user's local area.Users...