

InterfaceLIFT is a website that offers high-quality, royalty-free stock photos for free download. It features a clean, easy-to-use interface to search and browse over 25,000 photos across various categories like nature, city, technology, and more.
photos images stock free nature city technology

InterfaceLIFT: High-Quality Stock Photos for Free Download

Search and download over 25,000 royalty-free stock photos in various categories like nature, city, technology, and more from a clean and easy-to-use interface

What is InterfaceLIFT?

InterfaceLIFT is an excellent resource for finding high-quality, royalty-free stock photos you can use for free. It's been around since 2005, so it has an extensive library of over 25,000 photos you can browse and download.

Some key things to know about InterfaceLIFT:

  • All photos are free for personal and commercial use. You don't need to pay or attribute the photographer, which makes it very convenient.
  • The interface is clean and easy to search by category or keyword. You can also browse editor's choices and most popular downloads.
  • Photo quality is generally excellent. The curated library focuses on nature, cityscapes, technology, textures, and conceptual images.
  • New photos are added weekly so the library stays fresh. However, they don't specify the exact number added.
  • They have a friendly community of contributing photographers. Photographers can join and upload their own photos to share.
  • Download sizes go up to 1280px to 2560px, which is sufficient for most web and printing needs. Watermarked comp images are also available.

Overall, if you need lots of high-quality photos for a website, presentation, brochures, or other projects, InterfaceLIFT is an excellent free stock photo site to bookmark. With a versatile photo library and convenient licensing, it can save both designers and businesses time and money.

InterfaceLIFT Features


  1. Over 25,000 high-resolution stock photos
  2. Variety of categories like nature, city, technology, etc
  3. New photos added weekly
  4. Clean and easy-to-use interface
  5. Ability to search photos by keyword
  6. Photos can be downloaded at full resolution for free


  • Free


Large selection of free stock photos

No attribution required for use

High-quality photos

Intuitive interface

New content added regularly


Limited selection compared to paid stock sites

No option to filter by orientation, color, etc

Some photos are lower resolution

No mobile app

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