Analyze DNA sequencing reads with Jellyfish, a high-performance open-source program offering rapid calculation of k-mer counts and coverage depth for large datasets, ideal for genome or transcriptome assembly preparation.
Jellyfish is an open-source bioinformatics software tool developed specifically for counting k-mers (subsequences of length k) from large datasets of DNA sequencing reads. It is optimized to handle very large read sets of gigabase scale quickly and with relatively low memory usage.
Some key features of Jellyfish include:
Jellyfish can process read files in FASTA or FASTQ format. It outputs k-mer counts and coverage information in a binary format that can then be parsed and analyzed as needed. The speed and memory efficiency make it well-suited for preparing sequencing data for downstream analysis like genome assembly, transcriptomics, metagenomics, and more. It is a flexible tool used in many bioinformatics pipelines.