Download videos from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo and 1000+ other sites in MP4, MKV, MP3 and more formats.
Keep-Tube is a free web-based application that allows users to download videos from popular video sharing platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and over 1000 other sites. It provides an easy way to save videos on your computer or mobile device so you can watch them offline.
To use Keep-Tube, simply copy and paste the URL of the video you want to download into the search bar on their website. You can then select the file format and quality for the download. Keep-Tube supports downloading videos in formats like MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV as well as just the audio in MP3 format. You can also select resolution options from 144p up to high definition 1080p.
Once configured, simply click the download button and Keep-Tube will save the file to your computer. The download happens quickly thanks to Keep-Tube's powerful servers. The interface is very simple and easy to use even for novices. In addition to the web interface, Keep-Tube also offers browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox that allow one-click downloads from sites like YouTube.
Overall, Keep-Tube is an excellent choice for easily downloading videos from just about any major website. With support for over 1000 sites and offering downloads in a wide variety of formats and resolutions, it has something for everyone. And because it is completely free with no limits, Keep-Tube is a very useful tool for saving videos to watch offline.