Life is Strange is an episodic graphic adventure video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix. The game follows Max Caulfield, an 18-year old photography student who discovers she can rewind time to change the course of events. She uses this ability to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of her classmate Chloe Price.
Life is Strange is an episodic graphic adventure video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix. The game was released across 5 episodes between January and October 2015.
The game follows Max Caulfield, an 18-year old photography student who returns to her hometown of Arcadia Bay, Oregon after 5 years away. On her first day back at the local academy, she witnesses the death of a girl named Chloe Price. In that moment, Max discovers she has the ability to rewind time and ultimately save Chloe's life. Max and Chloe begin investigating the mysterious disappearance of Rachel Amber, a student who went missing months earlier under suspicious circumstances.
As Max tries to piece together the truth behind Rachel's disappearance, she continues discovering the implications of her time control ability. Her actions in the past have unexpected and dramatic consequences in the future. The player, controlling Max, must make difficult decisions about when to use her ability and face those consequences.
With an indie soundtrack and stylish visuals, Life is Strange tells an emotionally engaging story focused on Max's friendship with Chloe and her first love. The game delivers impactful moral choices for the player while exploring themes of identity, loss, and the price of meddling with time.
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