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MindGrader is an AI-powered educational software designed to easily create, share, and automatically grade assessments. Its key features include auto-grading for multiple choice/short answer questions, rich analytics, customizable rubrics, and test authoring tools.

What is MindGrader?

MindGrader is an educational technology platform designed specifically for teachers and professors to streamline the process of creating, distributing, grading, and analyzing assessments. Its standout features include:

  • Intuitive test authoring tools to build a variety of assignment types including multiple choice, short answer, true/false, ordering, and more with rich multimedia options
  • Automated grading for multiple choice, true/false, and other objective question types saving educators time spent on the most tedious parts of grading
  • AI-assisted scoring for subjective short answer questions with customizable rubrics for more meaningful feedback
  • Detailed analytics dashboards tracking class and student performance over time to identify gaps and personalize instruction
  • Customizable tests and question banks educators can use and share year-over-year
  • Secure test creation and delivery to prevent cheating and ensure academic integrity
  • Mobile-friendly interface for on-any-device accessibility

MindGrader aims to use technology to solve some of the biggest assessment and grading challenges facing teachers and schools today. Its automated scoring and analytics provide rapid feedback to both educators and students while still allowing teachers final judgment and control over all grading.

The Best MindGrader Alternatives

Top Apps like MindGrader

Codecademy, W3Schools, SitePoint, Code.org, Coderbyte, Tutorialzine, Enlight - Learn to Code, tutorialspoint, Progate, Programming Hub, MDN Web Docs, Nettuts+ are some alternatives to MindGrader.


Codecademy is an online education platform founded in 2011 that focuses on teaching coding skills interactively through its website. It offers free and paid coding courses across 12 programming languages including Python, JavaScript, Java, Ruby, SQL, C++, C#, Swift, Go, Sass, R, and Kotlin.The platform uses an innovative hands-on approach where...


W3Schools is a free educational website for learning web technologies online. Some key information about W3Schools:It was launched in 1998 by Refsnes Data in Norway.It covers most major web development technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Python, and more.The tutorials and references provide simple explanations...


SitePoint is an online learning platform focused on web development and web design. It was founded in 1999 and provides a variety of resources for new and experienced developers to enhance their skills.Some key features of SitePoint include:Books - SitePoint publishes practical books on topics like JavaScript, CSS, Ruby...


Code.org is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to expanding access to computer science education in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities. It was founded in 2013 by Hadi Partovi and his twin brother Ali Partovi.Code.org offers free online curriculum and lessons for students of all ages...


Coderbyte is an online learning and assessment platform designed to help developers improve their programming skills and prepare for technical interviews. It was founded in 2011 with the goal of providing an interactive way for developers to practice coding outside of a classroom environment.The platform features over 200 coding challenges and...


Tutorialzine is an educational website that focuses on providing high-quality web development tutorials. It was created in 2009 by Martin Angelov to share what he was learning about coding and help others learn as well.The site covers a wide range of topics, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, Ruby...

Enlight - Learn to Code

Enlight is an engaging platform designed to teach children aged 6-16 the foundations of coding. It uses a visual, block-based programming language that allows kids to drag and drop code blocks to create programs, without having to worry about syntax.Kids start by solving puzzles and playing coding games that...


Tutorialspoint is a free online education platform geared towards software developers and IT professionals. Founded in 2007, it features a large library of tutorials and references on a variety of technical subjects including:Programming languages like Java, Python, C, C++, C#, R, PHP, SwiftWeb development technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React...


Progate is an interactive online learning platform focused on web and mobile app development. It offers beginner-friendly coding lessons and projects in languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Python and more.The courses use visualization diagrams, short quizzes and an in-browser coding editor to help reinforce concepts and allow hands-on...

Programming Hub

Programming Hub is an online learning platform focused on teaching programming and coding. It offers interactive courses and tutorials on popular programming languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, and more.Key features of Programming Hub include:Step-by-step video tutorials explaining programming concepts and showing how to build projectsCoding challenges and...

MDN Web Docs

MDN Web Docs is a free and open-source web documentation resource. It provides comprehensive documentation for web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and related web APIs.MDN is maintained by Mozilla and a community of developers and technology enthusiasts. It aims to provide accessible and unbiased web documentation for both...


Nettuts+ is an online educational platform focused on web development and design. It was launched in 2007 by Envato as a site for publishing web development tutorials and training materials.Nettuts+ offers a wide variety of resources for learning web design and development skills. Some of the topics covered include:HTML...