Track your home movie collection with Movie Collector, a personal database software featuring title, director, cast, genre, release year, runtime, and personal ratings for each film.
Movie Collector is software designed for serious movie enthusiasts who want to catalog and organize their home movie libraries. It functions like a personal movie database, allowing users to enter and track details on every movie they own, have seen, or want to see.
With Movie Collector, users can log release year, runtime, director, cast, writers, genre, personal rating, and a fully searchable plot outline or commentary. Its customizable fields make it easy to tailor to your specific movie library needs. Robust sorting and filtering allows you to browse your film collection by any detail you've logged - quickly pull up all your unwatched sci-fi films over 2 hours, for example.
The software also integrates helpful extra features like mass-automated movie data downloads, cover art imports, and export capability for backups or transitioning your data into other apps. Fully customizable fields allow the software to adjust perfectly to your movie library tracking needs. Movie Collector also enables you to attach external documents like screenplays or director commentaries to individual film records.
Overall, Movie Collector excels at bringing order and accessibility to even huge home movie libraries with hundreds of titles. Its intuitive user interface makes cataloging and managing your collection a breeze.
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