icon is an online community and forum where users share cracked software, scripts, exploits, and more. It aims to provide free access to premium software.

What is is an online hacking and cracked software forum community launched in 2015. It serves as a platform for users to share cracked/nulled versions of premium software, scripts, exploits, and more. The goal is to allow free access to paid software and tools.

On, you can find nulled/cracked versions of popular programs like Photoshop, Windows OS, antivirus softwares, VPNs, games, and more. Developers and hackers share tools, scripts, source codes, techniques, tutorials, and discussions on hacking, cracking, and exploiting vulnerabilities in softwares and websites.

While provides free access to useful paid programs and development resources, it does promote unethical cracking and piracy of commercial tools. The legality is questionable. Users should exercise caution while downloading files from such communities.

Some alternative sites with similar content but more security include,, and Steam Underground. However, they too share content of questionable legal status.

The Best Alternatives

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NulledBB,, Guilded, ./ are some alternatives to


NulledBB is an open-source forum software built using PHP and the Laravel framework. It was created to be a fast, simple, and secure forum solution.Some key features and benefits of NulledBB include:Lightweight and fast - Optimized for speed and performance using caching and other techniquesSecure - Includes protection... is a website that publishes confidential and sensitive documents that have been leaked by anonymous or whistleblower sources. The documents hosted on are often related to government, corporations, political parties, and other powerful institutions.The goal of the site is to promote transparency, expose malfeasance or...


Guilded is a relatively new platform launched in 2017 that aims to provide gamers with a comprehensive set of tools for building communities and coordinating team activities. Some key features of Guilded include:Voice, text, and video chat optimized for low latency gamingGuided schedules, calendars, and announcements to organize game nights...


./ is a bash script that simplifies the process of delivering malicious payloads onto Linux systems that have been compromised. The script allows an attacker to easily download and execute various hacking tools and malware.Once an attacker has gained initial access to a system, ./ can be...