Open source software platform for measuring and training an AI's general intelligence across various applications, allowing interpretation of pixels and reaction to open environments.
OpenAI Universe is an open source software platform created by OpenAI for training and benchmarking artificial intelligence agents. It provides an interface that allows AI agents to interact with a wide variety of games, websites, and applications. The goal is to use Universe to develop and measure artificial general intelligence - AI systems that can learn many different tasks and exhibit intelligent, adaptive behavior.
Universe works by starting up instances of games and applications in separate processes and connecting AI agents to them. The agents receive the raw pixels from the screen as input and can send keyboard, mouse, and touch events back to control the environment. This allows the agent to interpret the visual input and react intelligently to take actions towards accomplishing goals and completing tasks. Agents are evaluated based on measurable rewards or scores from the environment.
One of the key advantages of Universe is its vast set of diverse environments - from simple 2D games to complex 3D first-person games to web browsers and beyond. This variety encourages the development of artificial general intelligence instead of AI that can only operate in narrow, predefined domains. Researchers can use Universe to study how single agents perform across thousands of environments as well as how populations of agents with different skills can cooperate.