icon is a platform that provides free and open source game assets like 2D and 3D art, music, sound effects, and other resources for game developers. It has a large collection of user-contributed content that can be used for both commercial and non-commercial projects.

What is is an online platform dedicated to providing free and open source game assets and resources for game developers. The website features a large collection of 2D and 3D art assets, sprites, textures, 3D models, animations, sound effects, music tracks, and other game development resources contributed by users.

The content on is released under various open licenses like CC0 and Creative Commons, allowing developers to use them freely for both commercial and non-commercial purposes in their games. There are assets suitable for all types of games - ranging from platformers, RPGs, strategy games to FPS and retro arcade games.

Some key highlights of

  • Over 50,000 open source game assets across various categories and genres
  • New assets and resources added by the community every day
  • Powerful search and filtering tools to easily find required assets
  • Asset requests section for developers to crowdsource specific art needs
  • Active community forums for discussions and feedback

Overall, with its diverse library and licensing model, provides a valuable platform for indie and hobbyist developers to obtain game art and media content without needing to create everything from scratch.

The Best Alternatives

Top Apps like

DeviantArt, PENUP, Leonardo.Ai, Quixel Megascans, Freesound, Unity Asset Store, UE Marketplace, ambientCG, GameDev Market, DrawCrowd, Clker, SkinBase, YoYo Games Marketplace, Game Creator Store, Scirra Store, BlabJam are some alternatives to


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PENUP is a free digital art and social networking app developed by Samsung Electronics. It allows users to create digital artwork using drawing tools and share their art with the PENUP community.Some key features of PENUP include:Drawing tools - PENUP provides a range of brushes, pens, layers, rulers...


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Quixel Megascans

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GameDev Market

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