Free, open-source web app to send invitation emails for various social networks and services with automated invitation process
OpenInviter is a free, open-source web application originally created in 2008 that allows users to send invitation emails to friends and contacts to join various social networks and online services. Some of the services it supports includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Orkut, hi5, and more.
The key benefit of OpenInviter is that it helps automates the process of sending invitation emails through the different platforms. Many social networks and online communities require a registered user to send invitations for others to join. OpenInviter removes the manual work needed to do this by generating the emails and sending them on behalf of the user.
It works by integrating with the API or web interfaces of these services. Once logged into the OpenInviter web app, the user can select which networks they want to send invites for, import a list of email contacts, customize invite messages, and schedule when the invites should go out.
OpenInviter runs on PHP and MySQL and is released under the GNU General Public License. It can be downloaded and installed on one's own web server. The source code is available on GitHub for developers to contribute and modify as needed.
While useful for building up an online network, OpenInviter does have some criticism over the years for enabling spam invites. It's important that users only send invites ethically to those they know and who would want to connect on these various platforms.