PageSpeed Green

PageSpeed Green

PageSpeed Green is an open-source platform that speeds up website page load times. It automatically optimizes images and other assets, minifies CSS and JavaScript, enables compression, and more to improve site performance and user experience.
PageSpeed Green image
optimization performance speed images assets css javascript compression

PageSpeed Green: Open-Source Website Performance Optimization

PageSpeed Green is an open-source platform that speeds up website page load times. It automatically optimizes images and other assets, minifies CSS and JavaScript, enables compression, and more to improve site performance and user experience.

What is PageSpeed Green?

PageSpeed Green is an open-source platform and module from Google that helps speed up the page load times of websites. It works by automatically applying various performance best practices and optimizations to pages and assets on both the server and browser side.

On the server side, PageSpeed Green minifies and combines CSS and JavaScript files to reduce HTTP requests and payloads. It losslessly compresses images and other assets using advanced algorithms to shrink file sizes, and lazy loads offscreen images and iframes. PageSpeed Green also enables compression for textual assets, removes unnecessary whitespace, optimizes caching with headers, and more.

In the browser, PageSpeed Green employs techniques like asynchronously loading CSS and JavaScript to accelerate rendering, preconnecting to origins, leaving placeholders for lazy loaded resources, and inlines critical assets in the document markup for the initial page load. It also optimizes video and font delivery for faster playback start.

Overall, PageSpeed Green is designed to require little manual effort while providing significant speed and user experience improvements. It works with popular web servers like Apache, Nginx, and IIS and can be integrated into build processes. With customizable options for fine-tuning, PageSpeed Green is an easy way for developers to make websites faster for visitors.

PageSpeed Green Features


  1. Automatically optimizes images
  2. Minifies CSS and JavaScript
  3. Enables compression
  4. Asynchronous JavaScript loading
  5. Lazy image loading
  6. Caching optimizations
  7. Prefetching resources


  • Open Source
  • Free


Improves website speed and performance

Better user experience

Higher search engine rankings

Works with shared hosting

Easy to implement

Open source and free


Can break site functionality if not properly implemented

Ongoing configuration required

Limited customization options

Requires technical expertise to customize

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