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Pebble blogging tool

Pebble is an open source blogging tool and publishing platform that allows users to easily create and manage a blog. It has features like post scheduling, SEO optimization, custom themes, and integrations with services like Google Analytics.

What is Pebble blogging tool?

Pebble is an open source blogging platform and content management system that makes it easy for anyone to create a professional-looking blog or website. Some key features of Pebble include:

  • Intuitive visual editor for writing blog posts and managing content
  • Pre-designed themes that can be customized, or build your own theme from scratch
  • SEO features like meta tags, XML sitemaps, and SEO-friendly permalinks
  • Post scheduling so you can plan out content in advance
  • Media management for handling images, documents, and videos
  • Discussion platform with comments, threads, and moderation tools
  • Built-in support for code snippets and syntax highlighting
  • Email newsletter integration to send updates to subscribers
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem to extend functionality
  • Multilingual and multi-site support for running multiple blogs
  • REST API to integrate with other apps and services

With its user-friendly admin dashboard, themes, and customization options, Pebble makes it easy for anyone from beginners to experienced developers to create an elegant, feature-rich blog.

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Posterous is a free blogging platform and social publishing system launched in 2008. It allows users to post text, photos, video, and audio from the web, mobile phones, email, and desktop widgets.Some key features of Posterous include:Intuitive and simple posting - users can post content easily from anywhere via...