Life simulation game developed by Natsume exclusively for PS Vita, where players adopt, train, and customize puppies while managing a doggy daycare.
PS Vita Pets: Puppy Parlour is a life simulation game released in 2012 for the PlayStation Vita handheld system. It was developed by Natsume and is part of their popular Vita Pets series.
In Puppy Parlour, players adopt puppies and care for them by petting, grooming, feeding, and playing with them. As the puppies grow, players can train them on agility courses and obedience trials. The goal is to raise happy, healthy puppies and keep them well-behaved.
A key feature of the game is running your own puppy daycare, which earns you money to spend on toys, accessories, furniture, and expanding your parlour. You can accept puppy boarding requests from NPC owners. While caring for guest dogs, you continue training and socializing your own puppies.
Additional gameplay involves the augmented reality features using the Vita's cameras. You can interact with your puppies in the real world and take photos. There is also a storyline involving a rival daycare to compete against.
With its cute graphics and engaging pet simulation gameplay tailored to the Vita platform, Puppy Parlour appeals to a wide casual gaming audience. Fans of animal and pet games should especially enjoy the charming puppies and customization options.