A free tool to fix syntax errors, add missing commands, optimize scripts and repair batch files with ease.
Puran Batch Fix is a free portable software that provides various utilities to fix and optimize Windows batch files. It can automatically scan batch files and repair common syntax errors, add any missing commands, optimize long scripts by cleaning unwanted spaces/lines, apply proper indentations to make the code readable, ensure correct ECHO OFF/ON status, and more.
The tool is very lightweight and easy to use. It has a simple interface with different options to test and fix batch files with just one click. Users can either fix an individual file or all files inside a folder together. It also provides additional options like adding headers, footers, comments, etc. to batch files.
Puran Batch Fix simplifies the batch file editing process for regular users as well as programmers and coders. It can automatically apply changes that normally would take a long time to do manually. Whether you need to repair old scripts or polish new ones, this software helps clean up, format, and enhance batch files in seconds. It works on almost all versions of Windows.
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