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Qobuz is a French online music streaming and downloading service providing CD-quality audio and hi-res music up to 24-Bit/192 kHz resolution. It has a catalog of over 70 million tracks with genres like jazz, classical, electronic, soul, hip-hop, rock, pop, blues, metal, etc.

What is Qobuz?

Qobuz is an online music streaming and downloading service founded in 2007 in Paris, France. It distinguishes itself by offering CD-quality lossless audio formats like FLAC and hi-res formats up to 24-Bit/192 kHz resolution, providing a higher quality listening experience compared to other streaming services.

Qobuz has licensing deals with major and independent labels like Universal Music Group, Sony Music, and Warner Music Group, allowing it to build a catalog of over 70 million tracks across various genres including jazz, classical, electronic, soul, hip-hop, rock, pop, blues, metal, and more. The service is available across Europe, US, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

Users can choose between different subscription tiers like Premium, Hi-Fi, and Studio Premier which determine streaming quality (up to 24-bit/192 kHz on Studio Premier) and the number of devices they can use simultaneously. Qobuz apps are available for desktop (macOS, Windows), smartphones (iOS, Android), audio products from brands like Sonos, Bluesound, etc. making it quite accessible.

Key features of Qobuz include its audio quality, comprehensive metadata provided for tracks, various curated editorial articles exploring music genres and artists, personalized recommendations powered by AI and human curation, and social features like community forums and playlists. While more expensive than other music streaming services, its lossless quality and niche focus on specific music segments makes it appeal to audiophiles and niche genres fans alike.

The Best Qobuz Alternatives

Top Apps like Qobuz

Discogs, 7Digital, dTunes, Trt Radyo, Simfy, Panamp, Downstream, Everplay, Chilirec, Dogmazic, Nexus Radio, Amazon Cloud Player are some alternatives to Qobuz.


Discogs is an online crowdsourced database of information about audio recordings, including vinyl records, cassettes, CDs, and more. It was founded in 2000 as a personal music collection cataloging and marketplace tool, but has since grown into one of the largest and most comprehensive music databases on the web.Some key...


7Digital is an online music store and streaming platform that sells digital music from both major and independent record labels. Founded in 2004 in the UK, 7Digital now operates in over 200 countries and offers access to a catalog of over 43 million tracks.As a music download store, 7Digital sells MP3s...


dTunes is an open-source, cross-platform music player and media library manager developed as an alternative to mainstream options like iTunes. It allows you to playback, organize, edit metadata, and sync your music collection across Windows, Mac, and Linux devices.Some key features of dTunes include:A clean, intuitive user interface...

Trt Radyo

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Simfy is an on-demand music streaming service launched in Germany in 2009 and later expanded to several other European countries. It gives users access to a catalog of over 30 million songs to stream without downloading. Some key features of Simfy include:Ability to search for and play any song or album...


Panamp is an open-source, cross-platform audio player application that allows users to play and organize digital music files. It is designed to provide an intuitive and feature-rich listening experience for local music libraries.Some of the key features of Panamp include:Supports common audio formats like MP3, FLAC, OGG, WAV...


Downstream is an open-source automation server designed to help teams build and manage workflows and integrations between different software systems and services. Here are some key features of Downstream:Visual workflow designer - Build workflows by connecting a series of steps with triggers and logic in a drag-and-drop interface.Connect...


Everplay is a video hosting and streaming platform built from the ground up for gamers looking to broadcast, share, and monetize their gaming content. The service makes it simple for users to live stream their gameplay sessions to fans and build up a viewership, as well as upload their best...


Chilirec is an open-source web-based recipe manager and meal planning solution. It provides an intuitive interface for users to easily store, organize, search, and access their personal recipe collection from any device.Some of the key features of Chilirec include:Import recipes from popular websites and services like AllRecipes, FoodNetwork...


Dogmazic is a free, open-source digital audio workstation (DAW) and music sequencer software for Linux, Windows, and macOS. It provides tools for audio recording, MIDI sequencing, virtual instrument support, effect processing, audio editing, mixing, and more.Some key features of Dogmazic include:Intuitive and easy-to-use interface ideal for beginnersSupport for...

Nexus Radio

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Amazon Cloud Player

Amazon Cloud Player is a cloud-based music locker service launched by Amazon in 2011. It allows users to upload their personal music libraries to Amazon's cloud servers, enabling access to their music collection from any device connected to the internet.Some key features of Amazon Cloud Player include:Store up to...