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Razuna is an open-source digital asset management (DAM) system that allows organizations to store, organize, search and access rich media files like images, videos, audios, documents, and more. It has features like metadata tagging, AI-powered search, access controls, and integrations with other platforms.

What is Razuna?

Razuna is an enterprise-grade, open-source digital asset management (DAM) software solution. It enables organizations to centrally store, organize, search, retrieve and share rich media assets like images, videos, audios, documents, 3D models, and more.

Key features of Razuna include:

  • File storage with support for any file type and size
  • AI and metadata powered search for easy content discovery
  • Automated tagging using image recognition and NLP
  • Fine-grained access controls and permissions
  • Review and approval workflows
  • Version control
  • Shareable web-based interface for accessing assets
  • REST APIs for system integrations
  • Addons and plugins to extend functionality

Some ideal use cases for Razuna are brand asset management, marketing asset libraries, media warehouses, product catalogs, and archiving systems. Its flexible data model allows customizing it to specific organizational needs.

As an open-source software, Razuna is available for free without any licensing costs. It can be installed on-premise and fully customized to tailor to enterprise needs. The active development community also keeps adding new features and improvements.

Overall, Razuna provides a feature-rich, scalable, and customizable DAM platform for organizations looking to consolidate their rich media assets and enable enterprise-wide access and distribution of these assets.

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