A free desktop application for Windows that sets your wallpaper to smoothly transitioning solid colors, with customizable speed, saturation, brightness, and color order.
RGB Color Wallpaper is a small, free desktop application for Windows that sets your computer's wallpaper to smoothly transitioning solid colors. It provides a simple interface to customize the animated color wallpaper.
You can control settings like:
It's perfect for anyone looking to add some subtle animation to their desktop background without a distracting scene. The smooth color blending can provide a soothing, mesmerizing effect for some. It's also great for focusing while working without being totally boring.
As an extremely lightweight software with minimal system resource usage, RGB Color Wallpaper can run in the background without slowing down your computer. And it starts with Windows, automatically setting your customized animated wallpaper.
While simple, RGB Color Wallpaper delivers well on its single purpose. It's ideal for Windows users who want a more dynamic wallpaper to brighten up their desktop.
Here are some alternatives to RGB Color Wallpaper:
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