Discover personalized breaking news and trending topics with SmartNews, an innovative app utilizing AI to curate a selection of relevant stories from various news sources.
SmartNews is a news aggregation and recommendation app launched in 2014. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze what stories and topics are most relevant to individual users based on their reading habits, interests, and location. It then curates a personalized news feed showing each user the stories it thinks they care about most.
One of SmartNews' key features is its attention to upholding journalistic principles while still customizing news for each reader. It aims to help users stay broadly informed by showing them a diverse mix of viewpoints from high quality publications across the ideological spectrum. It does not filter or customize news to confirm a user's political leanings or just show things it predicts they will like.
SmartNews is available as a mobile app on iOS and Android. It initially launched in Japan but has expanded into the USA, UK, and other English-speaking countries. Users can pick topics they are interested in to further tune recommendations. The app is free to use and supported by advertising revenue.
In reviews, SmartNews is praised for exposing readers to a wider range of perspectives and keeping them updated on more topics versus other personalized news apps. The interface is described as sleek and intuitive. However, some users say it lacks functions for really digging deeper into certain issues or customizing one's feed as granularly as alternatives.
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