Online platform for posting, reading and downloading fanfiction stories related to Harry Potter and other media fandoms.
SquidgeWorld Archive is an online fanfiction community and archive focused on Harry Potter and other media fandoms. Founded in 2002, it allows users to post, read, comment on, bookmark, download, and search for fanfiction stories based on books, movies, TV shows, anime, comics, video games, and more.
As one of the older archives still active today, SquidgeWorld has over 30,000 fanfiction stories archived. The vast majority are Harry Potter stories, including canon stories as well as alternate universe tales and crossovers. Other major fandoms include Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and more.
Some key features of SquidgeWorld Archive include:
In summary, SquidgeWorld Archive has establishing itself over nearly 20 years as home to a passionate Harry Potter fandom looking for fanfiction stories to continue their love of the series and characters.
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