Live video streaming platform with chat features, ideal for events, travel, gaming, and casual streams, accessible via mobile camera
TwitCasting is a live streaming platform and mobile app that allows users to broadcast live videos using their phone's camera. It was launched in Japan in 2007 and has since expanded to other countries.
Some key features of TwitCasting include:
TwitCasting is commonly used for streaming live events and happenings, travel adventures where people stream sightseeing tours, gaming streams as people play casual or more competitive mobile games, and general day-in-the-life casual streams. It has a significant user base in Japan as well as other East Asian countries.
While the quality and features are not as advanced as platforms like Twitch or YouTube Live, TwitCasting provides a unique mobile streaming platform to share life experiences lived in-the-moment with viewers across the world.
Here are some alternatives to Twitcasting:
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